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by Lindsey Selser, City of Eugene

The noon City Council Work Session Oct. 13 will focus on planning to address the full spectrum of housing needs over the next few years.

The council materials for the Housing Implementation Pipeline (HIP) planning work identify two potential future affordable housing Land Bank sites:

  • 13th and Chambers – Former Naval Reserve Site (Jefferson West Side)
  • 33rd and Hilyard Site (Southeast Neighbors)

These sites, on land owned by the City of Eugene, are listed as potential future Affordable Housing sites in our HIP Materials, which will be available from the City’s website in advance of the meeting.

We are bringing these to your attention to assure you that both of these sites will have future Council discussion and would require necessary approvals before either could move forward.

Although these sites will not be the specific focus of the upcoming council work session, we encourage you to watch at noon Oct. 13 for information about the Housing Implementation Pipeline – how the City is proposing to move our collective housing work forward over the next five years and beyond.

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