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EWEB meets with neighbors on East 40th Water Storage Project

Dear East 40th Neighbors,

In this email you’ll find:

  • Report from May 26 neighbor meeting
  • Link to video recording of the meeting
  • Survey regarding the meeting and preferences for future meetings
  • Next steps
  • Neighbor Meeting Report

The May 26 neighbor meeting drew a small group (6 neighbors), which lent to a pretty informal presentation and conversation.

The project team reviewed where the tanks will be constructed (previously shared with neighbors in April 14 email and anticipated dates of activity at the site, which at this point include:

Anticipated late July
Includes fencing and erosion control

Tree removal
Anticipated to begin August 2
Will take 6-8 weeks

Anticipated to begin September 15
Will take 6-12 months, including drilling, blasting, excavation and rock removal for both tanks

We also discussed how access to the site will change in the near future, and some things adjacent neighbors can expect in the coming months:

Fencing will change/limit access on the north side of the property throughout construction
The summit/viewpoint will remain accessible, but the ridgeline trail to the east will be closed
Tree removal will bring chainsaw noise, heavy equipment, log trucks
Patterson Street will remain open during tree removal; some traffic control is possible

We have posted a video recording of the meeting on the project website.
Watch the video

We’d like your input on future meetings

With groundbreaking right around the corner, we want to increase our communication with site neighbors. In addition to the regular emails you’ve been receiving, we are planning a series of meetings to give you a chance to ask questions and interact with the project team.

Tentative Meeting Schedule
We will confirm dates/times as we get closer.

Wednesday, June 30 – input to construction mitigation
Wednesday, July 28 – input to landscape design
Wednesday, Sept. 1 – details on construction mitigation, traffic plans, pre-blasting surveys

Please complete this brief survey to let us know what kind of meeting format works best for you, and other ways we can keep you informed of project updates.
Take the survey

Next steps and tentative dates
June 30 – Neighbor meeting
July 6 – Select contractor for tree removal
Late July – Construction fencing installed
July 28 – Neighbor meeting
August 2 – Begin tree removal
August 3 – Select contractor for excavation/earthwork
September 1 – Neighbor meeting
September 15 – Begin earthwork

Contact us with questions
We are committed to open and frequent communication with all neighbors throughout the planning, construction, and restoration process and we look forward to partnering with you during the landscape design process to determine plantings, walking paths, and other features that are valuable to residents and appropriate to the neighborhood.

If you have questions or input, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the project team at
541-685-7899 or Emails sent to this address will reach:

Laura Farthing, Project Manager/Senior Civil Engineer
Jen Connors, Communications Supervisor
Jeannine Parisi, Customer Relationship Manager
Wally McCullough, Water Engineering Supervisor

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