Southeast Neighbors’ Charter
*As of 06/2024, SEN Adopted the Model Charter as approved by the City of Eugene; please see the By Laws below for additional information.
The Southeast Neighbors Association (SEN) fosters inclusivity and a sense of belonging among all members. SEN recognizes that focusing on diversity, equity, tolerance, and respect are essential components for building and maintaining a welcoming community.
No matter who you are, we are glad you are our neighbor!
The name of this organization shall be Southeast Neighbors Association (referred to in this documents as SEN)
The SEN Shall encompass that area bounded by the intersection of Willamette Street and 29th Avenue, east on 29thAvenue to Amazon Parkway, south to East 30th Avenue and the Eugene city limits to the east.
Section I: The SEN Neighborhood Association is advisory to the City Council and other City boards and commissions on matters affecting its area. Those matters can include land use, zoning, parks, open space and recreation, annexation, housing, community facilities, transportation and traffic, public safety, sanitation, andother activities and public services which affect their neighborhoods. The SEN Neighborhood Association is not a City board or commission subject to the requirements of section
- of the Eugene Code (EC).The SEN Neighborhood Association must allow all residents and/or membersto participate in discussions before issuing an opinion on those
Section 3: The SEN Neighborhood Association opposes any act of discrimination and condemns bias on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education, economic or social status, or disability and will advocate for an equitable and welcoming neighborhood in which all can freely and safely participate, live, differ, debate, and grow. The SEN Neighborhood Association supports the City of Eugene’s goals of being a safe and welcoming community for everyone.
Section 4: The SEN Neighborhood Association shall serve in an educational capacity to inform, listen, and seek to understand the needs and desires of the neighborhood. The organization will encourage and facilitatecommunication and participation among the members on matters of common concern.
Section 1: Membership is open to any resident, property owner, or business owner [18 years of age or older] within the boundaries described in Article II.
Section 2: Each property owner who is an individual shall be entitled to one vote. Each corporation, partnership,nonprofit agency, or business member shall be limited to one vote.
Section 3: The voting process shall be inclusive and open to all members and articulated in the bylaws of the organization.
Section 4: There shall be no absentee voting or voting by proxy.
Section 1. General membership meetings shall be held at a time and place to be established by the NeighborhoodAssociation Board. Such meetings shall be held twice each year at a minimum. An annual event may be consideredas one of the general meetings.
Section 2. A quorum of the general membership shall be as stated in the bylaws.
Section 4. All members shall have an opportunity to participate in the general membership meetings.
Section 5: Notice of general membership meetings shall be given by way of electronic outreach, social media, posted signs, printed materials, website, or any combination of outreach mechanisms.
Section 1:
- The Neighborhood Association Board (Board) shall consist of the officers of the organizationelected democratically during a general membership meeting that has been publicized to the general Officer descriptions and roles shall be outlined in the bylaws.
- The Board shall include a minimum of 5 (five)
- The Board elections process and timeline shall be articulated in the bylaws and must occur every
- Subcommittees may be formed at the discretion of the
Section 2: The Board shall strive for inclusivity and equitable access to processes and decision making. Meetings shall be posted and accessible, including virtual access if requested or decided on by the membership.
Section 3. The Board may present the Neighborhood Association’s opinions to the City Council, Planning Commission, and/or other appropriate decision-makers. Such advisory opinions will specify whether the position is one of the general membership, the Board, a committee, or by organization members present and lacking a quorum. If there is a minority position on the issue, represented by at least one third of those voting, this shall also be presented.
Section 3. The Board will be responsible for: establishing the time, place, and agenda for board meetings,general meetings, and events; ensuring reasonable advance notice to members; and providing anopportunity to participate in the planning and organizing of these activities.
Section 1. The officers of the organization and any additional Board members shall be elected by a majority of those inattendance at a general or annual meeting. The membership will be notified of the meeting and invited to participate inthe election a minimum of 30 days in advance of the meeting.
The terms of office, including elections, filling vacancies and removal of officers, will be identified in the organization bylaws.
Section 1. Bylaws shall be established by the Neighborhood Association that define how the NeighborhoodAssociation conducts_business. Items addressed in the bylaws shall include at a minimum:
- Board Member positions and descriptions for each
- Timing and process for
- Process for filling vacancies and for vacating positions mid-term.
- Meetings:
- Definition of quorum:
- General Meeting
- Board Meeting
- Process for conducting the business of the (Robert’s Rules of Order is recommended.)
- Number of general meetings each year.
- Definition of quorum:
- How often the board will meet.
Section 2: Bylaws shall be approved and adopted by vote at a publicized general membership meeting.
Section 1: The Board shall have the ultimate responsibility for content included in outreach materials and media, both electronic and in print.
Section 1: The Board shall establish a fiscal process including budgeting, expenditures, authorizations, and an internal fiscal control system.
Section 2: The process for approving and allocating Neighborhood Association funds outside of funding that may beallocated by the City shall be outlined in the bylaws.
Section 1. This charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any general membership meeting. Written notice of the proposed charter amendment shall be given to the general membership prior to the meeting. Charter amendments shall not take effect unless and until approved and accepted by resolution of the City Council.
Southeast Neighbors Association By Laws
The Southeast Neighbors Association (SEN) fosters inclusivity and a sense of belonging among all members. SEN recognizes that focusing on diversity, equity, tolerance, and respect are essential components for building and maintaining a welcoming community.
No matter who you are, we are glad you are our neighbor!
The name of this organization is Southeast Neighbors Association (SEN).
- SEN encompasses the area bounded by the intersection of Willamette Street and 29th Avenue, east on 29th Avenue to Amazon Parkway, south to East 30th Avenue and the Eugene city limits to the east.
- From there the boundary follows the city limits south to their intersection with Willamette Street, then north along Willamette Street to the intersection of Willamette Street and 29th Avenue.
- Click here to view a map of the boundaries of all active neighborhood associations.
Map of SEN Boundaries
SEN acts in accordance with and utilizes the powers granted by the City of Eugene’s Neighborhood Organization Recognition Policy (NORP).
Section 1. Education
The SEN Board exists primarily to encourage and facilitate communication among and educate, as well as inform, the residents of the neighborhood association on issues of concern affecting the neighborhood.
Section 2. Advisory to the City
The SEN Board acts in an advisory capacity to the Eugene City Council and City of Eugene Staff. Examples of matters affecting the neighborhood may include but are not limited to transportation, public safety, economic development, the environment, and parks and open spaces.
- SEN membership shall include every resident, property owner, business owner, and business employee within the boundaries described in Article II.
- Each member shall be entitled to one vote. Each corporation, partnership, non-profit agency, or business shall be limited to one vote on any motion brought before the membership at any general meeting.
- No absentee voting or voting by proxy is allowed.
Section 1. Board Membership.
- The SEN Board consists of a maximum of four (4) officers (two Co-Chairs, Treasurer, and Secretary) and up to nine (9) additional At Large members.
- All Board members shall meet the criteria for SEN membership as described in Article IV.
- All terms consist of two (2) years.
Section 2. Officers.
- As stated in Section 1, SEN Board officers consist of two Co-Chairs, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
- Each shall be members of SEN as described in Article IV. No member shall hold more than one office simultaneously.
Section 2a. Duties of Co-Chairs.
- The Co-Chairs shall coordinate and supervise the business and activities of the Board and SEN.
- At least one Co-Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board and all general meetings, serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, and be the primary contact person for and liaison with the City of Eugene.
- In the absence of a Co-Chair, or in the event of a Co-Chair’s inability or failure to act in accordance with delegated duties, or if a majority vote decision of the board removes a Co-Chair, the remaining Co-Chair shall execute the duties and powers as a single Chair until another Co-Chair is elected.
- Co-Chairs may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
- One or both Co-Chairs will create and distribute meeting agendas.
- At Large Board members may request to add items to meeting agendas a minimum of 72 hours prior to agenda distribution.
- If an agenda item is received in less than 72 hours from agenda distribution, the item may be added to the agenda of the next regular Board meeting.
Section 2b. Duties of the Secretary.
The Secretary shall record the minutes of all General and Board meetings and post copies of said minutes on the SEN website within three (3) months of the recorded meeting.
Section 2c. Duties of the Treasurer.
- The Treasurer will receive and deposit in a Board approved financial institution all SEN funds.
- The Treasurer will pay out funds approved by the Board and only on notice signed by one other officer and the Treasurer.
Section 3. Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee will consist of the two (2) Co-Chairs, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Section 3a. Role of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee will primarily be responsible for conducting on-boarding activities for all new Board members, addressing issues concerning Board member conduct, and understanding and supporting the duties and roles of the Co-Chairs.
Section 3b. Advisory Committee.
- If either or both the Treasurer and/or Secretary are not able or do not wish to serve on the Executive Committee, one or both Co-Chairs may establish an Advisory Committee to act as and replace the Executive Committee.
- In the event that an Advisory Committee is established, one or both Co-Chairs will petition a maximum of two (2) At Large board members as required.
Section 4. At Large Membership.
- At Large members must attend monthly regular Board and quarterly general meetings as well as attend the annual SEN picnic.
- As described in Article VI. Section 5, if a member of the Board is absent for three consecutive meetings, either regular or general without prior approval from one of both Co-Chairs, that member’s position shall be vacated unless the Co-Chairs find that extraordinary circumstances prevented the member’s attendance.
- All At Large members are required to join and participate in a minimum on one (1) Board committee.
Section 5. Committees.
- The Board may establish committees to explore and advise on topics related to the SEN.
- Any Board member may establish a committee with the approval by a majority vote of the Board.
- At least one Board member must be a member of any SEN committee.
- Any SEN member of a committee may act as committee chair.
- Committee chairs will provide updates and/or summaries of committee work to the board monthly or as needed.
- Any informational materials or recommendations created in committees must be approved by the board prior to distribution.
- Committees may take action on behalf of the Board only with the approval of the Board.
- As described in Article V. Section 4, all At Large members are required to join and participate in a minimum of one (1) Board committee.
Section 5a. Communications Committee.
- The Board may establish a Communications Committee to facilitate all Board communications with SEN members.
- The Communications Committee will be internal consisting only of At Large Board members and/or Board Officers.
Section 6. Board Meetings.
- The Board shall hold regularly scheduled meetings and the membership shall be given reasonable, advance notice of such schedule.
- All Board business will be conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order.
- The Board may hold special meetings when requested by one or both Co-Chairs or by a quorum of At Large Board members.
- Notice shall be provided to all Board members prior to any special meetings.
- All meetings of the Board, excluding Executive and/or Advisory Committee meetings, are open to the general public.
Section 7. Quorum.
- A simple majority of the Board members constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.
- For example, the quorum is seven (7) for a full board of 13 members.
- Less than a quorum of the Board may meet but may not take action on behalf of the Board.
Section 8. Representation.
- A Co-Chair or Co-Chair designee shall present the Association’s opinions to the City Council, Planning Commission, or other appropriate groups or individuals when so authorized by a vote of the Board.
- A position of the general membership must be confirmed by a majority vote by the SEN membership held at a general meeting.
A quorum shall be sufficient to determine any matter before the Board. No absentee voting or voting by proxy shall be allowed.
Section 1. Electronic Voting.
- Voting via email may be requested at any time by one or both Co-Chairs for the sole purpose of voting on a motion requiring a decision prior to the next regular Board meeting.
- Notice of the electronic vote, stating the motion for consideration, shall be delivered to each Board member via email.
- Each Board member will have a maximum of three days to vote on or respond to the motion.
- Any Board member desiring to discuss the motion or propose an amendment to the motion must do so via email during the three-day voting period.
- Quorum rules apply as described in Article V, Section 7.
- In the event a Board member lacks email access, a phone message shall be deemed notification of the motion and electronic voting.
- Board members without email access must relay their vote and discussions through a board member with email access.
- Any votes taken electronically must be ratified and recorded in the minutes at the next Board meeting.
Section 1. Election of At Large Members.
- All At Large Board members shall be elected at the annual May Election General Meeting by a majority vote of the attending SEN members as described in Article IV.
- In the event that vacancies arise between Election General Meetings, they may be filled by a majority vote of the Board with ratification of the SEN membership at the next full membership meeting.
- The terms of service of such new board members will expire at the same time as the members whose vacancy they fill.
Section 2. Election of Officers.
- All Board Officers as described in Article V. Section 2, shall be elected as needed by the Board following the At Large Member elections at the annual May Election General Meeting.
- Quorum rules apply as described in Article V, Section 6.
- In the event that Officer vacancies arise between General Election Meetings, they may be filled by a majority vote of the Board with ratification of the SEN membership at the next full membership meeting.
- The terms of service of such new Officers will expire at the same time as the members whose vacancy they fill.
Section 3. Nominating Committee.
- No less than two (2) months prior to the May Election General Meeting, one or both Co-Chairs shall establish a Nominating Committee.
- The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) persons; two Board members and one non-Board SEN member.
- In the event that a non-Board SEN member is unavailable, a third Board member may substitute.
- Notice of the May Election General Meeting as well as creation of the Nominating Committee and corresponding contact information shall be published in the Association newsletter prior to the meeting.
Section 4. At Large Board Candidates.
- All SEN members interested in board positions must contact the Nominating Committee no later than one (1) week prior to the May Election General Meeting.
- The Nominating Committee will distribute Board approved interview materials to candidates prior to the Election General Meeting.
- To be considered for a Board position, all candidates must provide completed interview materials to the Nominating Committee within 48 hours of the Election General Meeting.
- The nominating committee shall present the proposed candidates and completed interview materials at the May Election General Meeting.
Section 4a. Interim At Large Board Candidates.
- In the event that board vacancies arise between Election General Meetings, all SEN members, as described in Article IV, interested in Board positions must contact one or both Co-Chairs expressing interest.
- Only Co-Chairs may distribute board approved interview materials to any SEN member interested in a Board position.
- All interested SEN members shall be considered on a first-come first-served basis.
- One or both Co-Chairs will share completed interview materials with the Board.
- Candidates shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board with ratification of the SEN membership at the next full membership meeting.
Section 5. Absences.
If a member of the Board is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings, either regular or special without prior approval from one or both Co-Chairs, that member’s position shall be vacated unless the Board finds by majority vote that extraordinary circumstances prevented the member’s attendance.
Section 6. Board Conduct.
- All Board members shall act in good faith and adhere to the purpose of the SEN Board as described in Article III as well as the conduct described here in Article VII, Section 6.
- Appropriate Board conduct is essential to best support constructive Board work and includes but is not limited to, maintaining clear boundaries between the purpose of the Board and personal opinions and actions, respecting the time and work of fellow Board members, striving to maintain political neutrality in all Board business and communications, and acting in inclusive and civil manner.
- Appropriate Board conduct applies to all written and verbal communications and interactions.
- Unless authorized by the Board, an individual Board member shall not represent the Board before any other committee, outside agency, the media, or the general public.
- When an individual Board member is appearing in a private capacity before other committees, outside agencies, or the general public, the Board member shall clearly indicate that he/she/they is speaking as a private individual, not as an official representative of the Board and/or its affiliated committees.
Section 7. Removal.
- Any Board member may be removed for reasons such as excessive unapproved absences, failure to participate in committees, failure to adhere to the purpose of the Board as described in Article III, and inappropriate conduct as outlined in Article VII, Section 6.
- A Board member may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Board at a regular board meeting.
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, shall guide SEN in all cases in which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Charter or By Laws of SEN. In cases where interpretation of the rules is required one or both Co-Chair shall rule on proper procedure.
Section 1. General Meetings.
There shall be a minimum of four (4) general meetings annually, at a time and place to be decided by the Board. One of these meetings will be the Election General Meeting, see Article VIII, Section 2.; one of these meetings may be a social event. All General Meetings are open to the public.
Section 2. Election General Meeting.
- An Election General Meeting of SEN Members shall be held in May for the purpose of electing At Large Board members as current terms expire or to fill any vacancies.
- In the event that At Large vacancies were filled between Election General Meetings, those At Large members shall be ratified at the Election General Meeting following their appointment.
Section 3. Notice of Meetings.
- Notices of all SEN meetings, regular and general, must include the meeting agenda as well as the date, time, and place of each meeting.
- All meeting notices shall be published on the SEN website; in addition to website publication, notices of General Meetings must also be sent via print mailings to every SEN member as described in Article II.
Section 4. Meeting Agendas.
- Meeting agendas shall include all items requested by one or both Co-Chairs or any Board member if received within 72 hours of agenda distribution.
- To best facilitate timely meetings, Board members are encouraged to submit items to the meeting agenda for Board discussion and shall refrain from introducing new items not included on the agenda.
Section 5. Minutes.
Minutes of all meetings shall be taken and posted on the SEN website following Board approval.
Section 1. Definition and Purpose.
- Communications to neighborhood residents from the Board may include, but are not limited to, newsletters, postcards, websites, email notifications, and other means of outreach.
- The purpose of the communications is to inform SEN members as described in Article IV, regarding plans, proposals, and activities affecting the SEN membership area as described in Article II, as well as provide SEN members a forum for questions and discussions regarding issues of interest to the neighborhood.
Section 2. General Policies for Publications Using City Funds.
- Neighborhood associations must distribute a minimum of four (4) communications annually to SEN members.
- Of the four (4), a minimum of two (2) communications must be sent via print mailing.
- The Board has the ultimate responsibility for the contents of the newsletter and other communications.
- Each issue of the newsletter shall identify all SEN Board members and those compiling that issue, if other than the Board members.
- The Newsletter shall include a postal or email address for submission of articles, questions, or other material.
Section 1. SEN may receive funds and employ persons to further its purposes, and may own and dispose of property.
Section 2. Grants or monies secured to fund specific projects or programs, which have itemized budgets already approved by the Board or general membership, may be expended without further approval for budgeted expenses.
- By-Laws shall be reviewed by one or both Co-Chairs every five (5) years.
- Any By-Law amendments must pass by a majority Board vote at a regular Board meeting.