April SEN Transportation Committee Report
The Transportation Committee meets the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 1:00-2:00 pm via Zoom, and the 4th Thursday evening of the month as needed. The Committee continues to advocate for world-class community engagement between governmental agencies and neighborhoods and people, a transportation data clearinghouse for City, LTD data, multipurpose revitalization of Amazon Station to improve regional transportation efficacy,free buses, and a safety-first, equitable transportation network accessible to all.
Move EUG
Catherine Rohan from the transportation department will be at the May 9th SEN General Meeting to talk about Move EUG.https://www.eugene-or.gov/
Have transportation project ideas and safety concerns? Pin them on their interactive map found here.
Spring Boulevard Bridge and Emergency Preparedness
Lucy has a letter in outline form ready regarding the Spring Boulevard response. The Committee feels it needs to collaborate with Ready Southeast (emergency preparedness) on transportation issues like evacuation routes designed to remain open after a seismic event and additional emergency egress routes (for example, downhill from Pine Canyon). Members would like the 4th Thursday evening meeting, May 25th, to invite Ready Southeast and other neighborhoods.
Linda has volunteered to be the communication bridge between Councilor Keating and the Transportation Committee and has reached out to Councilor Keating to encourage communication.
Neighborhood Sidewalk Cleanup
In May, the team will distribute the Google Form to sign up for sidewalk cleaning as well as volunteer sign up. It will go out on the digital newsletter for May. This will be announced as well at the May 9 General SEN Meeting. Barring big rain/snow/no sign ups, we were thinking of the morning of June 10th being sidewalk clearing day for this spring.
Jess will be diving into LTD’s proposed budget during the first week of May and attending the budget meeting as a committee person. The Budget meeting is Tuesday, May 2nd at 5:30 and the public is invited to make comments.
Linda attended the Future of Transportation event at the Knight Alumni Center in April and submitted notes to the committee with key takeaways. She is very encouraged by James Auten’s understanding of the need to create a system based on the needs of the public and extensive public engagement. The committee would like to invite James Auten to a SEN meeting.
City Club of Eugene hosted a meet the new general manager forum with James Auten, which can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
May 17th is the next LTD Board of Directors meeting.
Speeding in the Neighborhood
The Transportation Committee will submit new speed radar requests to the SEN chairperson for Eugene Police Department as requests come in. Given the lack of enforcement resources at EPD and lack of speed reducing road design funding, the Transportation Committee will discuss and debate its support of House Bill 2095, which allows cities to introduce ticketing by speed radar.
Scooters in the Neighborhood
If you’ve wondered what the bright green and black scooters parked on sidewalks and junctions are, they are part of the Superpedestrian network of rentable electric scooters. Users can download the app onto a phone or tablet and locate any available scooter, as well as manage payments. Plans are available for low income riders. Scooters are not allowed to be ridden on sidewalks and helmet laws apply. Rules for riding the scooters are listed here: https://eugene-or.gov/
For more information on the program, visit: