Friends of Tugman – October 2024 Report
The Friends of Tugman (aka The Tuggers) typically meet every other Wednesday from 10:00 am – 12 noon somewhere in Tugman Park. Exact time and park location is dependent on weather conditions and current project(s).
- We held three regularly scheduled bi-weekly Wednesday volunteer work events in October: 10/2, 10/16, & 10/30
- October 2nd highlights: removed debris pile adjacent to the middle bridge; cut and chopped debris from large ash tree near Hilyard Ave. sidewalk; girdled and removed ivy from several Tugman Creek trees; picked up trash park-wide
- October 16th highlights: pruned, dug, and removed blackberries along Tugman Creek adjacent to the middle bridge; picked up trash park-wide
- October 30th highlights: removed 1000 sq. ft. of tarp fabric and staples in advance of our scheduled 11/2 planting party in the Wet Prairie Restoration Plot in the park’s north end; prepared the ground for planting as well
- The initial planting & seeding of a portion of the Wet Prairie Restoration Plot is scheduled for Saturday, November 2nd. Depending on weather and workload, this endeavor may be carried forward in November as well.
- Discussion and planning continue with Parks & Open Space (P&OS) personnel for the tree/shrub planting project along Tugman Creek scheduled for later this fall/winter.
- Invasive plant removal outside of our regularly scheduled volunteer work events continued in October as evidenced by the following:
- Continuation of blackberry pruning and removal along the southern park boundary of the central lawn
- Ivy removal in the vernal pool area in the park’s south slope adjacent to E. 39th Ave.
- Research continues on the selection for a battery powered string trimmer to be purchased for the Tugger team with proceeds from the SEN Annual Picnic Silent Auction. This equipment will be purchased in early November. Thank you, SEN Board, for allocating funds for this much needed purchase!
- Our regularly scheduled bi-weekly Wednesday volunteer work event for November 2024 is: 11/13 (10:00 am – 12 noon). We will NOT be having a volunteer work event on Wednesday, 11/27 due to proximity to the Thanksgiving Holiday.