Neighborhoods will participate in the City Council’s Wildfire Preparedness work session May 24 at 5:30 p.m. You can watch live on YouTube or the City’s website.
Tom Peck, a board member representing Friendly Area Neighbors, will be presenting an overview of Eugene neighborhoods’ past, present, and future activities. Here is a visual summary:

This spring, the Oregon Department of Forestry expected 100 persons to respond to the neighborhoods’ outreach for free home assessments. We heard back from about five times as many of our neighbors. Neighborhood organizations are now asking your help to meet the overwhelming need. Please pledge your help using this online Google Form:
Your volunteer hours can help train citizens to conduct home wildfire assessments. Your generous donations can help us partner with private local companies and the City of Eugene’s highly-praised business liaison, Ed Russo, to provide assessments at a reduced rate for our neighbors who face the most severe immediate threats.
We recognize that this work will be ongoing and continuous, and that in addition to your help, we will need government partners. On Monday night, Eugene Springfield Fire and others will advocate for funding the “Fire-Adapted Eugene” program.
We hope you will agree that investing in Eugene’s Whole Community will help us mitigate the risk of catastrophic wildfire.
Please join us in watching this important presentation by Eugene Springfield Fire and your Eugene Wildfire Preparedness Coalition on Monday, May 24, starting at 5:30 p.m.
Bev, Bruno, Charlsey, David, Don, Eduardo, Peter, Stephen, Tom
Your Eug.Fire.Prep.Coalition Steering Committee