Hello Ready Southeast Neighbors Volunteers,
June 6: Heat and Health Equity: Protecting Our Communities (CDC). Click to register
June 6-20: Earth Observations for Humanitarian Applications (NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program). Part 2 of this webinar series is “Gauging Long-Term Heat Stress in Refugee Settings” Click to learn more and register
June 6, 6:00 PM: First Aid and Stabilization: CERT Meeting Open to the Public, Eugene Springfield Fire Station #2, 1705 W 2nd Ave, Eugene
June 11, 10:00 AM: Communities Prepared for Disasters Webinar. Join the Oregon Department of Emergency Management, in partnership with the Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs, Adelante Mujeres, and FEMA, for a two-part educational series to help community and faith-based organizations serving Spanish-speaking communities better prepare for disasters. This is a free event, and all are welcome to participate! These events will be offered primarily in Spanish with English translation and ASL interpreting.
June 11, 2:00 PM: Lane Regional Resiliency Collaborative monthly networking series, focus on ESF 6 – Mass Care.
June 12, 3:00 PM: Oakridge-Westfir Wildfire & Disaster Preparedness Expo. The Southern Willamette Forest Collaborative would like to invite you to the annual Oakridge-Westfir Wildfire & Disaster Preparedness Expo at Horton Park (76343 Garden Rd, Oakridge, OR 97463)
June 13: Understanding Wildfires in the Wildland Urban Interface, the Built Environment, and Public Health (Chemical Insights Research Institute), Click to register
June 13-14: The Social-Ecological Consequences of Future Wildfire in the West: A Workshop (National Academies) Click to register
June 13, 9:00 AM: The Safety and Security Impacts of Houselessness on Businesses and Organizations. Educational seminar series aimed at enhancing community preparedness and resilience. This series is hosted by IOEM with collaboration from the Oregon Department of Emergency Management, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and Albertsons Companies.
June 13, 10:30 AM: Lane County COAD General Meeting. United Way Of Lane County, 3171 Gateway Loop, Springfield, OR. Contact us for a zoom link to attend virtually.