(Agenda) Any couples using the same computer for the meeting can vote by email to the soeast.eug@gmail.com account during the meeting if they want their vote to count. Anyone calling in by phone can do the same if they are able.
Topic: SEN General Meeting
Time: May 11, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 953 7309 2175
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by Dennis Hebert, Chair, Southeast Neighbors Board of Directors
Hello Southeast Neighbors!
It is once again time for our annual Southeast Neighborhood Association (SEN) Board elections. Save the date and join us for the election, which will be held at the virtual SEN Spring General Meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.
Floor nominations WILL be accepted during the member meeting until 7:15pm so that the final ballot can be prepared. As this is our first board election over Zoom, we would LOVE to know in advance if you plan to run to minimize the need for updating ballots on the fly.
If you know you would like to run for a position on the board, please reach out to rob.fisette@gmail.com as soon as possible to ensure that you are added to the ballot in advance. Thank you for helping this election run smoothly!
The meeting will be held via Zoom, so please check the SEN website (www.southeastneighbors.org/meetings) and/or Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/SoutheastNeighbors/) for the meeting link, which will be posted on Monday, May 10th.
This year, we have three (3) open At-Large positions. In addition, there are two (2) open executive positions: Secretary and Board Chair. All positions are open to anyone residing or owning property within SEN.
After holding the Chair position for over a year, as well as serving on the Board for four years, I, Dennis Hebert, will be running for Board Chair position.
If you are interested in any of the open positions, I strongly encourage you to contact SEN Board and Nominating Committee member, Rob Fisette at rob.fisette@gmail.com. Candidates are asked to answer a few simple questions; their responses will be posted to SEN’s website and Facebook page prior to the May 11th meeting. Please contact Rob as soon as possible so that neighbor members have sufficient time to view candidate responses in advance of Board elections.
Joining the SEN Board is a great way to get to know your neighbors and build community! However, if a Board position is not a good fit but you would still like to be involved, please consider joining one of the many SEN committees. Visit the SEN website to learn more.
At the May meeting, in addition to the elections, SEN Board member and joint leader of the Disaster Preparedness Committee, David Monk, will discuss how residents can be “Ready and Resilient” with regard to our upcoming wildfire season.
See you May 11th!