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The Transportation Committee typically meets every other Wednesday from 1:00 to 2:00 via Zoom.

We held one meeting in July (July 5).

July highlights:

  • The big news is that Linda Duggan is applying for the LTD community steering committee. Because of the short deadline, we have asked Jess to ask LTD CEO Jameson Auten for the staff briefing materials as soon as they are available.
  • Jess scheduled a meeting with Jameson Auten to discuss SEN topics of concern. (Meeting rescheduled for Aug.)
  • Lucy researched City of Eugene codes for responsibility of maintenance of sidewalks. Eugene requires that private property owners maintain and assume costs of maintaining sidewalks.
  • John Q attended a webinar on sidewalks and will share links to audio.
  • The committee will host a “neighbor-to-neighbor” Zoom event on Thurs Aug 24 to encourage an exchange of ideas among neighborhoods about sidewalk safety. Rachel Anderson has prepared a draft flyer for the event (attached below).
  • The committee received a request from a SEN resident to meet with the committee to talk about initiating Make Way Day in Eugene. This is a movement to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities.
  • A letter from the Transportation Committee and the Disaster Preparedness Committee to the City and Councilor Keating re: the potential evacuation routes during a natural disaster was completed. Specifically, what measures does the City have in place in the event that the bridge at Spring Blvd over East 30th Ave and/or the pedestrian bridge at Potter over East 30th fail, e.g, during an earthquake or forest fire?

Respectfully submitted,

Lucy Bambrey

Transportation Committee & SEN Board At-Large

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