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SEN Transportation Committee Report

December 2023
Submitted by Lucy Bambrey

The following is a summary of activities of the Transportation Committee for the month of December
 The Transportation Committee held one meeting in December on Weds Dec 6.
 Member Linda Duggan completed attending meetings of the LTD Community Steering Council
(CSC). The focus of the CSC was identifying LTD stakeholders such as individuals, groups,
organizations, and partners with a vested interest in LTD. In turn, LTD has a vested interest in
fostering community involvement in its planning. Linda believes that neighborhood
organizations should be included as stakeholders.
 Lucy Bambrey continues to serve on the Eugene Neighborhoods, Inc. (ENI) board of directors
until 2025 and attended one meeting in December. ENI is in the process of creating an
outreach/work plan for 2024 to support neighborhood organizations with financial,
organizational, and educational services. (Dennis Hebert is our SEN representative.)
 Committee member Charlie Loeb agreed to help coordinate committee activities related to
sidewalk safety. Charlie is on the city Active Transportation Committee, so his input plus his link
to the ATC will be appreciated.
 The committee is actively seeking new volunteers. It appears that daytime meeting times are
challenging for some. As of now, the committee is meeting during the day via Zoom on the first
Weds of the month.
 Four committee members attended the December 5 SEN board planning session.
 Tasks for 2024 include: updating our 2023 committee work plan for 2024; exploring hosting
community events concerning various modes of transportation; planning an agenda for the Nov
board meeting.

Just a note: Chairperson Jess Tuerk has stepped back from the day-to-day chairperson duties. Member
Lucy Bambrey has volunteered to be chairperson for the next few months. Cheers!

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