SEN Hybrid Board Meeting Agenda, 7pm, May 2, 2023
Hilyard Community Center, 2580 Hilyard St. & Zoom Link
Call to Order
•As a reminder, this meeting will be recorded, personal audio and video arepermitted but only with prior disclosure to meeting attendees. Personal videoand audio recordings may not be reproduced in any form without informedconsent of the individuals represented ie: non-board members of theaudience.
•If a member of the online audience wishes to make public comment, pleaseraise a hand.
Public Comment (5 mins)
Message from Co-Chairs: Request to Committee Chairs (5 mins)
Consent Agenda (see additional documents) (<3 mins)
1.Approve Past Meeting Minutes
2.Approve Final Draft By-Laws
3.Approve ESC informational items for digital distribution
Treasurer’s Report: Christina/Dennis (see email report)
Committee Reports (see email reports unless otherwise noted below)
•Disaster Preparedness – David Monk
•Transportation Committee – Jess
•Communications Committee/Website/FB—Dennis, Ela
•Land Use Committee—Emily/Kristen
•Tugman Park Volunteers—John Ostrom
•Environmental Stewardship Committee—Devon
Old Business:
•Meet ‘n Greet Location/Sign-Up Update? (5 mins)
New Business:
•SEN Mailchimp (5 mins)
•Overview of May Election Meeting (15 mins)