Just as your household invests in emergency supplies, EWEB is making investments to make sure safe, reliable water continues to flow, especially in the days and weeks following a natural disaster or other emergency. This includes renovating the Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant, planning for a second filtration plant on the Willamette River, replacing water mains, improving storage tanks, and working with upriver partners to support fire recovery efforts and protect water quality in the McKenzie River.
EWEB is also developing neighborhood emergency water stations. Working with community partners, EWEB now has five, fully operational emergency wells:
Prairie Mountain School – 5305 Royal Ave.
Howard Elementary School – 700 Howard Ave.
Eugene Science Center – 2300 Leo Harris Parkway
Lane Events Center/Fairgrounds – 796 W 13th Ave.
Sheldon Fire Station – 2435 Willakenzie Rd.
Two additional sites are planned—near Churchill High School and near Roosevelt Middle School.
Using the map below, take a moment to locate the emergency water station nearest to your home. If disaster strikes our community’s water system and you need to obtain water from one of these distribution sites, you will need to bring your own storage containers. Learn how to clean and prepare water containers and find more emergency preparedness tips at eweb.org/emergencyprep.