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Friends of Tugman – May 2024 Report

The Friends of Tugman (aka The Tuggers) typically meet every other Wednesday from 10:00 am – 12 noon somewhere in Tugman Park. Exact time and park location is dependent on weather conditions and current project(s).

  • We held three regularly scheduled bi-weekly Wednesday volunteer work events in May:  5/1, 5/15, & 5/29
  • May 1st highlights:  weeded the native beds in the north end; prepared ground and mulched an area for future planting in the north end; weeded with electric string trimmer around the perimeter of the tarped Wet Prairie Restoration plot in the north end; picked up trash park-wide
  • May 15th highlights:  weeded in the NE corner of the park (E. 36th Ave. & Hilyard St.); prepared ground and mulched (with remainder of bark chip pile) an area for future planting in the north end; weeded with electric string trimmer around the perimeter of the tarped Wet Prairie Restoration plot in the north end and the areas adjacent to the former spray play/restrooms; assessed and discussed our irrigation strategy and needs in advance of the warmer months; picked up trash park-wide; (1) new volunteer joined us on 5/15 and another expressed interest and requested to be added to the communication list
  • On the afternoon of May 15th a few tuggers and two members of the SEHS – EG 350 Club conducted our monthly monitoring of our Upper Prairie Restoration plot on Fawn Lily Rise.
  • May 29th highlights:  weeded with electric string trimmers the areas adjacent to the former spray play/restrooms, west side of the basketball court native plant bed, and along the perimeter of the Upper Prairie Restoration plot; weeded in the “central park” native beds; irrigated the newly planted trees and rushes around the former spray play area as well as other native plant beds that needed early watering
  • On May 21st & May 24th a few Tuggers replaced two sections of the fabric tarping in the Wet Prairie Restoration plot in the park’s north end following a vandalism incident whereby our plot tarping was removed and/or stolen.
  • The Friends of Tugman – 2024 Work Plan was submitted to the SEN Chair to be included in the full SEN 2024 Work Plan for submittal to OECE.
  • P&OS personnel met at Tugman Park on afternoon of 5/29 to discuss the next steps in determining the options and priorities for spending the remaining 2018 bond/levy funds earmarked for Phase II Tugman upgrades. Whereas we (Tuggers) were not participants in this meeting, we will request to be brought up to speed with these discussion as well as request that we (SEN neighbors, Tuggers and park goers) be included in any public outreach process.
  • Our regularly scheduled bi-weekly Wednesday volunteer work events for June 2024 are:  6/12 & 6/26 (10:00 am – 12 noon).
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