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Friends of Tugman – October 2023 Report


The Friends of Tugman (aka The Tuggers) typically meet every other Wednesday from 10:00 am – 12 noon somewhere in Tugman Park. Exact time and park location is dependent on weather conditions and current project.

  • We held two regularly scheduled bi-weekly volunteer work events in October:  10/4 & 10/18
  • October 4th highlights:  welcomed new Tugger volunteers; edged native beds near the basketball court and restrooms; miscellaneous weeding (mainly thistle removal); blackberry pruning along Amazon Creek; removal of fallen willow limbs in north end; trash pick-up park-wide
  • October 18th highlights:  measured and staked the upper prairie restoration plot on Fawn Lily Rise (south slope of the park); ground preparation (weed whacking of grasses and removal of blackberries, small willows and ashes) in advance of tarping; removed debris and dams in the central portion of Amazon Creek; pruned blackberries in the SE portion of park near Betty Niven Drive homes; trash pick-up park-wide
  • October 24th (outside of our two regular volunteer events detailed above):  we measured, cut, placed, stapled, and posted additional tarping fabric in areas of the park’s north end meadow restoration endeavor.
  • Efforts at engaging students from South Eugene High School (SEHS) to get involved with proposed upland prairie restoration test plots on Fawn Lily Rise as well as assisting in other volunteer activities at the park are continuing. Contact has been made with the student leader of the SEHS E350 club and potential work dates are being discussed. Several Tuggers have completed the background check process in order to work with student volunteers. We’re expecting to receive the native seeds from P&OS in late October and hope to start this project with SEHS students in early November.
  • We are expecting to receive additional native plants from P&OS (Native Plant Nursery) to fill in the north end restoration area that was planted last fall/winter. We’re planning to receive these plants prior to our Wednesday, November 1st volunteer event when they will be planted.
  • P&OS has reached out to their Urban Forestry division regarding the placement of a Wildlife Tree sign on the Douglas Fir snag in the park’s north end.
  • We continue to interact with the Park Ambassadors to partner in keeping Tugman Park safe and clean.
  • Our regularly scheduled bi-weekly Wednesday volunteer work events for November 2023 are:  11/1, 11/15, & 11/29 (10:00 am – 12 noon).
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