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January 10, 2023 SEN Board Meeting Minutes
Call to order: 7:00 pm at Hilyard Community Center and via Zoom
Attending: Dennis, Devon, Emily, Ela, Gerry, Jess, John, Lynne
Absent: Christina, Kristin
Arjorie Arberry-Baribeault and Zach Mulholland, Beyond Toxics and West Eugene Community
Arjorie reported that 95% of toxins in Eugene are in the 97402 area. Most people in west Eugene
are low income with higher rates of lung cancer and Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She explained that a
Public Health Overlay Zone, modeled on the Clear Lake Overlay Zone would strengthen land use
rules to protect the health of people living in that area.
Zach said that the regulations would apply to new businesses and the expansion of existing
business, not change regulations on businesses already established in the area. Businesses closest
to schools and homes would only be allowed to operate indoor manufacturing facilities with no
external air emissions. They are trying to keep a buffer between industry and residential areas.
They would like us to endorse the projected regulations. We will vote on this at our February board
Public comment
John Q spoke about the interpersonal problems out City Council is experiencing. He asked the
Board to encourage Matt Keating to work toward a resolution. Dennis said the Board will remain
neutral until more information is available.
Report from Co-Chairs
Dennis reported that our 501 C-3 is being renewed through ENI.
Approve Past Meeting Minutes– Lynne
Minutes from the December 6 meeting were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s report – Christina
US Bank $516.82
City Funds $4489.79
We paid $160.00 for website hosting and will see about reimbursement for this expense from the

Matt Keating, City Councilor Ward 2
Matt is serving his second year and Council Vice President. He outlined several issues the Council is
going to be discussing, including a proposed ordinance to limit the height of buildings in front of
Skinner’s Butte.
Committee Reports:
Disaster Preparedness – David Monk said the Disaster Preparedness Committee is looking for a new
Incident Command Leader.
Transportation Committee – Jess
Communications Committee/Website/FB—Jess
It was suggested that articles be to Lynne by February 10 for a newsletter to be published in early
Land Use Committee—Dennis
Tugman Park Volunteers—John Ostrom
 We held two volunteer work events in January 2023:  Wed. 1/11 & Wed. 1/25
 January 11 th  highlights:  mulched in the park’s north end for weed and grass control; planted
camas and buttercup seeds in the newly planted beds in the north end; mulched several
trees in the central lawn
 January 25 th  highlights:  weeded beds in the north end plaque circle and in the south lawn
 (7) Tuggers participated in the COE-P&OS, SEN-ESC & Obsidians tree planting event along
Amazon Creek on Saturday, January 21 st
 We expect several Tuggers to participate in the next Amazon Creek tree planting event on
Saturday, February 25 th
 We still have yet to receive confirmation from P&OS regarding the remaining funds from the
2018 Bond/Levy to be used at Tugman Park. We would like to initiate public outreach
activities once we receive confirmation of the amount of remaining funds and the timeline
for their use.
 Renewal efforts of our Friends of Tugman park adoption contract with P&OS covering 2023-
2025 is underway

Environmental Stewardship Committee—Devon
The Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) meets on the third Tuesday of each month at
Hideaway Bakery. This month, the meeting was held on January 17th and included 10 attendees (a
great turnout!).
Two major items were discussed:
– How to approach reducing the use of gas-powered leaf blowers by the City of Eugene, residents,
and businesses. Metro Portland and other cities in the US have been actively working on and
passing laws limiting and phasing out the use of these machines. Recently, a new group called
Quiet Clean Eugene has been formed, a spin off from Quiet Clean PDX
( Two members of this new group eagerly joined our meeting to

discuss where they were at in the nascent phase of their work and were looking for input and ideas
as to how get the word out. They do not yet have a website but are actively working to get it up
and running with links to articles, ways to contribute and be active, and current legislation in the
works. This group is small at this point but hopes to meet with other neighborhood associations to
garner support for bringing this up to the City of Eugene. We expect to continue to hear more
about their progress in the near future.
– We went over the upcoming Amazon Creek tree planting logistics, which happened on Saturday,
January 21st.
Amazon Creek Tree Planting Project:
– The actual tree planting day was cold and a bit breezy, but despite the weather we had a HUGE
turnout of over 40 neighbors. On that morning, the City of Eugene Parks and Open Space personnel
introduced the project, explained how to properly plant the approximately 150 bareroot trees
(Cascara, Bitter Cherry, Chokecherry, and White Alder) we were tasked
with planting. The group quickly
got to work and we all took turns removing grass, digging holes, properly placing the trees in the
holes and backfilling with dirt, and then following up with mulch and water. This phase of the
planting took place between Fox Hollow and 33rd Avenue along West Amazon Drive. While we
didn’t quite get all the trees planted in the time scheduled, the City followed up on Monday with a
youth corps volunteer group who completed the project. The next planting, which will cover West
Amazon from Fox Hollow to Snell, is scheduled for Saturday, February 25th.

By-Law Committee Lucy Bambrey
Three different plans were presented to the board.
1. Expand the Neighborhood Association membership to include property owners, business
owners and all residents 18 and over.
2. Proposal #1 plus all tenants and renters would each have one vote.
3. In addition to each of the changes above, employees would be eligible for membership and
would have one vote each.
It was moved to table the discussion for now. Each of the board members will be provided with
a written copy of the proposed changes.

Old business:
SEN Advisory Committee – Discussion tabled.

New Business:
A motion was approved unanimously to use our MailChimp account to request bookshelves for
A motion was approved unanimously to send out a survey about gas-powered leaf blowers.
The Communications Committee has scheduled three Meet and Greets at various south Eugene
restaurants and bakeries. Ella will send a formal motion about creating an announcement to let
neighbors know when and where, and that the events are no host.

Jess reported that there was an allegation of racism at the December 14 City Council Meeting. It
was moved that the SEN Board request a full and accurate account of the incident. The motion
passed with five votes in favor and three abstentions.

Adjourn: 8:55 pm

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