SEN Hybrid Board Meeting Agenda, 7pm May 7, 2024
Hilyard Community Center, 2580 Hilyard St. & Google Meet
Or Join By Phone:
(US) +1 413-931-1378 PIN: 223 845 764#
Call to Order
- Personal video and audio recordings may not be reproduced in any form without informed consent of the individuals represented ie: non-board members of the audience.
- Public Comment (3 mins/comment)
- If a member of the online audience wishes to make public comment, please raise a hand.
Message from Co-Chairs: (5 mins) So long and thanks for all the fish… 😉
Consent Agenda (see additional documents) (<3 mins)
- Approve Past Meeting Minutes
- Approve May 14th Board Election Meeting Agenda for the May14th
Treasurer’s Report: Dennis (see email report)
Committee Reports (see email repohrts unless otherwise noted below)
- Disaster Preparedness: Dennis/Heather
- Transportation Committee: Lucy
- Communications Committee: Dennis, Ela, Lynne
- Tugman Park Volunteers: John
- Environmental Stewardship Committee: Devon
- NLC: Dennis
Old Business:
- May Election Meeting Update (10-15 mins)
- Order of Operations
- Social Event Update: Ela & Dennis
- Music
- Bingo
- Reminder: Board/Committee Member Roles:
- Front Sign-in Table: Lucy, Jessica
- Online Voting/Google Meet: Jess
- In-person Voting: Dennis & Lynne
- Social Event Facilitators (while executive position voting occurs): Jess & Gerry
- June 4, 2024 Board Retreat Update: Lucy, Jessica, John (5-10 mins)
New Business:
- SEN Mailchimp (5 mins)
- Election & Social
- Next Neighborhood Meet Up? (5 mins)
- Addressing lack of a ‘Human Rights Committee’ (10-15 mins)
- Purpose/Need?
- Alternatives to an actual standing committee
- Board member bandwidth for current committees
- Plans for moving forward