SEN Transportation Committee July 2024 report
- The Transportation Committee met once on July 10 at Tugman Park.
- The committee met with Logan Telles, City Transportation Planner, on July 10 at Tugman Park. Logan described the planned speed calming additions on Hilyard St on the east side of the park. He showed us the location of the planned marked crosswalk at 37th Ave and Hilyard St, including a “bump out” on the east side of Hilyard. He also showed us the locations of six “speed cushions” (wide low speed bumps) between 36th Ave and 40th Ave. We informed Logan that we initiated a petition to present to the City for city-wide crosswalks with flashing lights at all schools in the Eugene area.
- Rachel Anderson reported that the on-line petition for safer school crossings has about 160 signatures. We discussed the possibility of extending the deadline for signing the petition into the school year.
- Linda Duggan and Lucy Bambrey watched the recording of the Oregon State Legislature Joint Committee on Transportation that was held on July 17. There were many public comments related to transportation, funding, and infrastructure. There were various comments of appreciation on the programs of LTD related to cab rides for appointments to Whitebird, passes for people going to rehabs; passes for survivors of sexual assault; RideSource; connector Eugene to Cottage Grove; and other projects using Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) monies. Committee member Charlie Loeb addressed the panel on behalf of the Emerald Valley Electric Vehicle Association, requesting funding and infrastructure for electric vehicles.